Imagine walking the aisles of an online store and seeing the products on the shelves, instead of simply browsing an online catalogue…

Seoul VR Technologies’ 3D Virtual Environments for Retail Stores aims to provide consumers with an engaging virtual space in which to shop, whilst simultaneously enabling retailers to increase sales revenue by adding an engaging customer experience to their existing online store, attracting new customers and showcasing products to gain additional sales.

Using our 3D Virtual Environment for Retail Stores complete with numerous pre-built environments for supermarkets, clothing, shoes, sports and books and music, we create a highly adaptable environment driven primarily by increasing sales for the retailer.  We have hundreds of detailed elements such as shelves, refrigerators, baskets, checkouts, mannequins and furniture, as well as thousands of products to fill the shelves, which create a rich and realistic 3D Virtual Environment.

Whilst our pre-built retail 3D Virtual Environments are tailored to look like their real life stores, complete with aisles that customers can walk down and displays they can see, incorporating the branding of the store and staff uniform detail, our main aim is not the look of the virtual retail store, but the way it engages with customers and generates additional sales.

Seoul VR Technologies’ 3D Virtual Environment for Retails Stores also allows for dynamic product positioning which can be tailored to the individual customer’s tastes.  Should the retailer prefer to give the customer and option going directly to the aisle with the products they usually buy, this can be easily accommodated within our solution.  In addition, when a customer chooses an item such as rice, the surrounding items on the shelf can be set to instantly change to associated items such as chicken, soy sauce, cashew nuts, coriander and ginger, not only aiding the customer to buy the products they need quickly, but also increasing the likelihood of an additional sale for the retailer.

Using augmented reality, we are able to overlay a variety of information as the consumer walks through the aisles of a shop.  In a supermarket environment for example, the user can see nutritional information about the product in the display on her glasses, and have the option to view a short video giving information such as the health benefits and alternative recipes.  In a clothing retail environment, the shopper can see a virtual model wearing the clothes enabling them to better select the items they wish to try on and to find items which would work well in combination with their existing wardrobe.

In addition, in both VR and AR Environments we utilise a virtual sales assistant function to guide the customer through the store, reminding them of items they may wish to consider, and provide advice and guidance.  For example in a supermarket, the virtual assistant can ask the customer what meal they are thinking of making and either suggest an alternative recipe or remind them they have forgotten the onions.  For higher value and specialist retail, such as clothing stores, the virtual assistant can be a real time avatar enabling a more nuanced sales process.

Seoul VR Technologies’ 3D Virtual Environments for Retail Stores enables retailers to overcome many of the difficult decisions when planning a real world store and develop a tailor-made shopping experience for each customer, thereby attracting and retaining customers, and sell them more products.

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